The Finance & General Purposes Advisory Group is made up of the following Parish Councillors:

Mark Simons

Carol Matthews

Keith Beeson

Richard East


The terms of reference of the Group can be found here:

These are to be reviewed in May 2024

Terms of Reference and Standing Orders of Charminster Parish Council

“Finance and General Purposes

Advisory Committee”(F&GP)


Adopted 3rd June 2008



When called upon by Charminster Parish Council, to prepare advice on its financial affairs and administration.


  1. The number of Councillors appointed to F&GP at the Annual Meeting shall be three (3), with at least one (1) from each Ward. The Chairman and Vice-chairman are ex-officio voting members.


  1. Meetings of F&GP are held in private, no public notification of meetings is required and meetings can be held at short notice. All Parish Councillors will receive emailed copies of agendas and minutes for information. Councillors who are not members of the group may attend and speak, but may not vote. The quorum is three.


  1. The Advisory group will meet as required.